PT Arka Data Pratama (Arka Data), founded in 2021, is a Drilling Technology and Consultancy company committed to providing accessible geothermal, oil, and gas energy through innovative and reliable drilling solutions.

Arka Data empowers clients to achieve safe, efficient, and cost-effective drilling operations by utilizing the following:
- Cutting-edge Technology: dashboard for real-time data monitoring and advanced analytics
- Standardized Systems: prudent SOP and robust project management tool
- Comprehensive Intelligence: a complete and reliable database
- Elite Expertise: senior experts in their respective fields

About Arka Data

Arka Mission & Pillars

To provide innovative and reliable drilling solutions, powered by cutting-edge technology, standardized systems, comprehensive intelligence, and elite expertise.


Our drilling platform is the premier solution for managing drilling projects effectively and efficiently. By providing real-time data management and advanced engineering analytics, our platform sets the industry standard for improving drilling project management, productivity, and efficiency. With our innovative and reliable platform, drilling companies can optimize their operations and achieve the best results.


We have developed a robust process to ensure we can plan and execute drilling in a safe & efficient manner. Our process documents have been utilized in various drilling operations, including but not limited to:
- Basis of Design
- Uncertainties Management Plans
- Drilling Proposals
- Drilling Procedures
- Risk Assessment, and many more.


We value experience and professional judgement. That is why we provide our clients with the best people for the job who specializes in providing practical recommendations and valuable insights. We aim to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of drilling operations through expert analysis and recommendations.